As part of Corporate Social Responsibility, NRB Bank Limited has undertaken Essential Food Support Initiative to help families in dire need for food and welfare supportunder a nationwide shutdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Chairman of the Bank Mr. Mohammed Mahtabur Rahman, Directors, Shareholders and Management has decided to distribute essential foods among under privileged and ultra-poor people in the country. In this connection Shareholder of the Bank Mr. Mohammed Oliur Rahman and under the supervision of Mr. TateyamaKabir, Vice Chairman of the BankMahmudaKulsumMoni, Assistant Commissioner (Land) of ChatkhilUpozilahas distributed essential foods among under privileged people of the Moulovibazar District of greater Sylhet Region andChatkhilUpozila of NaokhaliRegion today (07 May 2020) respectively. High officials of the bank of the both regions were present on the occasion.