Mr. Tarek Reaz Khan has recently joined NRB Bank PLC. as the Managing Director & CEO for 3-years tenure. Prior to joining NRB Bank PLC., Mr. Tarek served as the MD & CEO of Padma Bank PLC.
After completing Masters in Marketing from the University of Dhaka in 1994, Mr. Tarek served in multiple Large Local Conglomerate before starting his banking career with the Standard Chartered Bank as a Trainee Officer in 1997. In his long colorful career of 30 years, he had served at Standard Chartered Bank Bangladesh in different positions including senior management positions particularly in the domain of Retail and Branch Banking, where he served for 16 years. He also served at The Premier Bank PLC. as Deputy Managing Director, COO and CAMLCO, Bank Alfalah Bangladesh as Country Head of Retail Banking and Branches and Mutual Trust Bank PLC. as the Deputy Managing Director, COO and CAMLCO.
Mr. Tarek has led multiple strategic organizational transformation initiatives across different banks, where he served and contributed significantly towards the fundamental improvement in the specific areas of Business, Risk, Operations, Support Functions, Technology and HR, which ensured growth of those banks. He had overseas attachment exposure in the UAE, India and Malaysia during his time with Standard Chartered Bank. He also had attachment exposure in Pakistan during his time with Bank Alfalah Bangladesh Operations. He participated in many professional and management development trainings, workshops and seminars both at home and abroad. He has travelled to 33 countries of the world.
In his personal life, he is married and father of three children.